“The Princess Bride” emerged from William Goldman’s imagination, inspired by his daughters’ suggestions, evolving into a timeless epic of love and adventure. With Mark Knopfler’s music setting the tone, the film featured a cast perfectly embodying their roles, from Cary Elwes’s dashing Westley to Andre the Giant’s gentle Fezzik, overcoming casting challenges and physical trials. Behind the scenes, the production was marked by Billy Crystal’s hilarious improvisations, intensive training for a legendary sword fight, and a poignant ending that deviated from Goldman’s original, all contributing to the film’s enduring charm. Despite the hurdles, the dedication of cast and crew under Rob Reiner’s guidance made “The Princess Bride” a beloved classic, celebrated by fans worldwide, including Pope John Paul II.
Check the video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okQis7wDujQ