Jason Sehorn and Angie Harmon, once a beloved celebrity couple, have confirmed the end of their marriage after 13 years. The couple, who have three daughters together, have separated amicably. The split came about despite a very public engagement on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” where Sehorn proposed in front of a live audience. Harmon, known for her role on “Rizzoli & Isles”, faced challenges due to the long-distance nature of their marriage, with her career based in Los Angeles and family life in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Sehorn, who was an NFL player and is now a college football analyst, married Meghann Gunderman in 2017, post his separation from Harmon. The reasons behind Sehorn and Harmon’s separation were never publicly disclosed, and they have both moved forward with their lives while co-parenting their children.
For further details about their relationship and careers, please refer to the articles on Married Biography and Entertainment Tonight.