Delilah Fielding, portrayed by Margo Harshman, made sporadic appearances on “NCIS” following her debut in Season 11 as Timothy McGee’s girlfriend. In Season 18, she returned for a vacation with McGee, where they solved a case together, reigniting their romance.
Delilah’s limited screen time contrasts with McGee’s prominence, despite their marriage and family life, due to her sustaining a spinal injury from a missile attack in Season 11. Inspired by real-life events like the Boston Marathon Bombing, her storyline showcased her struggle to adapt.
Despite leaving for a dream job in Dubai, Delilah continued to make occasional appearances, offering insights into her evolving relationship with McGee, including marriage and twins. Her geeky dynamic with McGee provided fans with an endearing portrayal of their relationship. With her history of appearing in multiple seasons, her return in Season 19 seems plausible.